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Receive high-quality professional services, from Mortgage Refund Recovery Agency based in Baton Rouge, LA. This company claim specialist can provide the resources and solutions you need to get your refund back to you starting today. Our record for consistency, and timely action taken to file your refund claim depend on you, simply provide your contact information. Once you have received documentation about funds being owed back to you. You the homeowners that had an outstanding refund that is owed back to them through their government FHA Distributive share mortgage insurance, which was overlooked ,and is pending to be collected and received to them.
If you had a government FHA Distributive Share mortgage insurance, you may be entitled to Distributive Share Premium refund from this insurance policy. If you would like to inquire about an unclaimed refund, you can provide your name, date of purchase, including the property address of where you retained your FHA mortgage.Please do not wait !
" The time frame of getting back your money owed is slowly reaching it's
limit "
Once you have decided to work with a claim specialist, you will receive a Distributive Premium Share form for your completion and signature. This information will be provided to you by the representative of this company and will immediately send this form to the proper government department on your behalf.


The homeowner want to know.

Refunds check are not automately sent to homeowners. When you move and leave no forwarding address and no current mailing information. after the first mailing.
Your name will go in a national database listing for private
entities to help you to recover this trust fund.

When you first purchase your property that the refund is owed. You are required to have an upfront mortgage insurance premium on that property, during the duration of the mortgage each month paid in you will have accumulated a portion of that mortgage insurance premium owed back to you the homeowner. If two homeowner are owed the mortgage refund it is divided by 50% between the two. If the owners is decease the heirs is entitled to their portion of the refund owed. The claim specialist can provide the legal documents to get what is rightfully theirs by law.
If you received an govenment loan after Sep. 1st, 1983
You could be due a cash refund
For any unused portion of the upfront mortgage insurance premium
Assuming you didn’t default on mortgage payments.
The rules vary widely, if your loan was originated before September 1st, 1983, paid for more than seven years, and your premium insurance was not terminated before November 5th, 1990.
The rules are a lot different today than they used to be.
Premium Insurance loans closed on or after January 1st, 2001 and endorsed before December 8th, 2004, borrowers are eligible for a partial refund if they refinanced or paid off their loan within five years from the date of closing.
Premium Insurance loans with a closing date prior to January 1st, 2001 and endorsed before December 8th, 2004, partial refunds are available to those who paid off their premium insurance loans within seven years from the date of closing.

What if I have misplace or lost my property mortgage papers?
The claim agent can provided you with the proper legal forms needed to replace these document and filed for your refund.

My spouse is deceased am I still due a refund.
Yes, you are entitled to 100% of the refund owed back.
If you are an heir this applies to you also.

You handled all your legal papers. None of your property documents come to this office. Mortgage Refund Recovery has a positive successful payback rate of helping homeowners that chose to receive help with their upfront mortgage insurance premium since it was founded in the year 2008.
It is the policy of the company not to charge the homeowner 15% or 25% of their refund money like most other private entity contractor do. This is your money. Be aware some unscrupulous "companies" that specialize in locating lost homeowners for an exorbitant fee. Often as much as 50% of your total refund. Assisting to recover this government refund owed should not be made whereas you feel penalized for getting it back.

Can I get it myselfYes! but consider the fact that you would have not known about any money owed to you if not for the claim specialist using the resources to locate and inform you of the trust fund money owed back to you.The claim specialist has the paperwork ready for you to begin filing. The government has allowed private entities to assist with filing for homeowner refund claims that are on hold to be deliver directly to the homeowners.

Why is there a service charge?
This establishment has no financial agreement with the government.
Mortgage Refund Recovery works for you!
Under the Freedom of Information ACT (FOIA) of 1986 private business entities are allowed to assisted in providing homeowner with help. There are millions of homeowner awaiting their refunds, and will continue to need assistance.


**This feature has been implemented to assist with online signing option once you have spoken with an agent

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